it Just Happened.

I don’t know how it it happened. It just sort of happened. I was blissfully writing on “Alchemy of the Heart” . Loving the two main characters and their powerful interactions. I had recently gotten over the various mind blocks that I had. As I was writing the protagonist (lead character) as a woman. Something […]

How would your life change if you were shown proof that God exists?

Book Cover - messenger

I’ve got something extraordinary to share with you! My wonderful friend Robert Clancy is releasing his new book, The Messenger. Yes, he is a person I can and do call a friend and someone, I have interacted with many times. So, it is not some made-up story of self-importance to help Robert sell more books and […]

Thought Of The day

This is so true… I’m much more me when I’m with you! You are loved and appreciated!

Too Stubborn to Let Go!

Neil has spent years perfecting the art of doing it his way only to be reminded that there are easier ways in doing things, besides his wife (Tina’s) way of course. Years ago, Neil believed, “If you are sweating, swearing and putting in tremendous energy into a project you’ve got to be doing it right.” […]