Writing Tip
L. Neil Thrussell

Writing Tip

Explore the concept of the divine feminine and the reclamation of feminine wisdom in your writing.

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L. Neil Thrussell

Daily Quote

You are not defined by your mistakes; you are defined by how you rise after falling.

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Writing Tip
L. Neil Thrussell

Writing Tip

Incorporate elements of cosmic mythology and the mythic imagination into your storytelling.

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L. Neil Thrussell

Daily Quote

Every challenge you overcome is a testament to your strength and resilience.

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Writing Tip
L. Neil Thrussell

Writing Tip

Use writing as a form of spiritual alchemy to transmute the lead of human suffering into the gold of divine realization.

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L. Neil Thrussell

Daily Quote

Your journey may be filled with twists and turns, but each one has a purpose; trust in the process.

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