Trials and Tribulations
I love writing. But, I like many other people in the world sometimes have a tendency to get busy with life and forget to take time out and do what I love. Well, actually that’s only partially correct, as I took five months away from my writing to do something else that I really love. That is running, my training for the 2021 PEI Marathon kept me away for the keyboard for a long while. Until now! With my serious training over and it is time to get back to writing, and writing more seriously! With a renewed sense of dedication to finishing my book! Okay, books!
The other piece to my time commitment puzzle in the last little while was that my Dad had been ill since May of 2021 and was in and out of hospital which required a lot of my time! I am happy to say, he is back in his own home and doing very well. So, I have a little more time for my writing pursuits now! Which excites me a lot! Ya me!!!
To help me jump start and stay focused on my writing, I like to write in other locations. Because if I stay home, home has way to many distractions for me. E.G. the garage needs cleaned or the walks need shoveled and so on and so on, the to do list seems endless and takes away from my ability to create. Writing for me works best when I have large blocks of uninterrupted free time to be creative. To facilitate that in the past we have run off on vacations to write, Mexico, Costa Rica twice
It has been tropical locations that we have travelled to, to write and relax. But, because of covid we are trying to stay closer to home these days. So to facilitate the writing process we, (Tina and I) have booked a local AirBnB and are going into the foothills and write.