This movie has a deep personal connection for me. Scott McDermott, my friend who I met many, many years ago in personal development/growth workshops created this documentary.

In 2014 Scott thought it would be a cool idea to do a documentary on, “What it takes to do an Ultraman.” So he threw the idea past his friend/director/filmmaker Drew Kenworth , who coincidentally also thought that it would make an awesome film festival documentary. So together they started to create a documentary.
Living The Warrior Code

In 2015 Scott accidentally changed the direction and tone of the whole documentary. As Scott slid into a guard rail on his bike at 60 – 70 kph on the second day of the race.

Scott was airlifted from the race course where he spent 5 days in the emergency ward. With additional surgeries following back home in Canada.

The documentary shifted from what it takes for a healthy man to do an Ultraman, to one of how does a man with brain trauma, many broken bones recover and return to the competative world of Ultramarathons?

Join us on June 13, 2019, in Sylvan Lake for an emotional journey of determination, perseverance and pure old fashioned stubbornness as Scott struggled to heal his body and return to the Big Island to compete once again in the sport he loved so much, Ultraman 2018.

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