I’m super excited to share some news with you—I’m currently working on the second draft of my latest book, An Unregistered Male. This one is written by little ole me, Neil Thrussell, but will be released under my not-so-secret pen name, Nathaniel Thoes.

Now, if you happen to see this mysterious Nathaniel Thoes popping up on my pages, don’t be alarmed! It’s still me, just writing under a different name. Nathaniel Thoes is my adventurous alter ego, allowing me to step away from my usual writing in spiritual fiction and metaphysical genres. Through Nathaniel, I get to explore exciting new territories, diving into contemporary fiction, thrillers, spy stories, and maybe even—wait for it—romance!

Why the pen name, you ask? Well, it’s a way for me to embrace fresh creative challenges and try my hand at writing stories with a different flavor. While I love sharing the wisdom of the Shin Dao and guiding people to live heart-centered lives, sometimes a writer just needs to mix things up! So, Nathaniel Thoes was born, giving me the freedom to explore all kinds of new storytelling possibilities.

As for the name itself, there’s a deeper meaning behind it. Nathaniel is of Hebrew origin and means “Gift of God” or “God has given.” It reflects the feeling of being blessed with inspiration and creativity. Theos, on the other hand, comes from Greek and translates directly to “God,” symbolizing divine power and connection. Together, the names Nathaniel and Theos hold a powerful message of divine gifts and the flow of creative energy.

So, stay tuned for updates on An Unregistered Male and more stories from Nathaniel Thoes! I can’t wait to share this new chapter of my writing journey with you.

Thanks for all your support!

With heart and excitement,
Neil Thrussell
(aka Nathaniel Thoes)

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