Writing Tip

Explore the concept of the divine feminine and the reclamation of feminine wisdom in your writing.

Daily Quote

You are not defined by your mistakes; you are defined by how you rise after falling.

Writing Tip

Incorporate elements of cosmic mythology and the mythic imagination into your storytelling.

Daily Quote

Every challenge you overcome is a testament to your strength and resilience.

Writing Tip

Use writing as a form of spiritual alchemy to transmute the lead of human suffering into the gold of divine realization.

Daily Quote

Your journey may be filled with twists and turns, but each one has a purpose; trust in the process.

Writing Tip

Explore the concept of synchronistic storytelling and the weaving together of seemingly unrelated events in your writing.

Daily Quote

The greatest achievements are born out of the willingness to take risks and embrace failure.

I Love Retirement: The Myth and the Reality

image couple on beach sunset

Retirement. It’s the golden dream, isn’t it? Finally, after decades of hustle and grind, you get to kick back, relax, and enjoy the sweet fruits of your labour. In theory, retirement is a time to catch up on writing, spend leisurely hours in nature, and sleep in every morning. Ha! Not in my world. As […]

Writing Tip

Incorporate elements of sacred alchemy and the transmutation of consciousness into your storytelling.