Embarking on a Metaphysical and Visionary Journey: A Writer’s Quest for Mastery

In the ethereal realm of metaphysical and visionary literature, the journey of a writer transcends mere storytelling; it becomes a sacred pilgrimage toward enlightenment and truth. For individuals like myself, this journey is not solitary but guided by the luminous footprints of the masters who have illuminated the path before us. From the profound teachings […]
Birthday Gift For You!

Hey everyone! 🎉 Exciting news to kick off my birthday weekend celebration! 🎂 To spread some joy as well, I’m gifting you all a FREE Kindle version of my bestselling book, “A Warrior’s Heart: The Awakening.“ Mark your calendars! The Kindle version will be available from Feb 15 to Feb 19, 2024 – that’s five […]
Embracing the Multifaceted Journey: From Fictional Realms to the Heart of Coaching

In the hustle and bustle of life, many of us find ourselves yearning for more hours in the day, or perhaps a clone to assist in managing the multitude of tasks that fill our plates. As I sit at the crossroads of creativity and responsibility in the basement of my home office in Calgary, Alberta, […]
Introducing Nathaniel Theos

I would like to introduce you to Nathaniel Theos my pseudonymous and alter ego. Since I am stepping into uncharted territories in my writing, Nathaniel Theos will allow me to explore diverse genres with a fresh perspective and creativity. While my literary journey is deeply rooted in the exploration of spirituality, Nathaniel Theos ventures into […]
Embracing New Beginnings: A Message from L. Neil Thrussell and Tina Thrussell

Elevating Your Spirit, Embracing Your Dreams As the calendar turns the page to a new year, we, L. Neil Thrussell and Tina Thrussell, extend our heartfelt wishes to all for a Happy New Year! In this time of fresh starts and limitless possibilities, we pause to ponder: Do you engage in the tradition of making […]
Embracing the Spirit of Christmas: A Message from L. Neil Thrussell and Tina Thrussell

Inspiring Your Mind, Embracing Life’s Joys As the festive season wraps us in its warmth and cheer, we, L. Neil Thrussell and Tina Thrussell, extend our heartfelt wishes to everyone for a Merry Christmas! In this time of celebration, let’s come together to Open Our Hearts and Celebrate the Present moment. The spirit of Christmas […]
The Heartfelt Gift of Coffee: A Token of Love and Connection from Green Bag Coffee

In the realm of meaningful gestures that symbolize love and friendship for me, few things hold the intimate essence and warmth quite like a cup of coffee. It’s not just a beverage to me; it’s a catalyst for connection, a bearer of shared moments, and a symbol of cherished relationships. Alysia, my spiritually adopted daughter, […]
Writer’s Crossroads: Seeking Your Guidance on the Next Chapter

Allow me to share a unique conundrum that’s been occupying my creative space—I find myself at a crossroads with two nearly completed books, each awaiting the final touch of around 20,000 words to reach completion. The decision that stands before me is both exciting and challenging: should I proceed with the NaNoWriMo novel, diligently crafted […]
So Excited
I am excited to share some incredible news with you all! I did something I never thought I could pull off—I completed the NaNoWriMo challenge! Yup, you heard that right. This slow-as-molasses writer churned out a whopping 50,000 words in just one month. Can you believe it? Because I’m still pinching myself! For someone who […]
Exploring the Distinctive Layers of Fable, Parable, and Allegory: Unraveling Their Nuances

In the expansive storytelling landscape, certain narrative forms have enriched literature and learning by imparting timeless wisdom in unique ways. Among these, three distinctive genres—fable, parable, and allegory—stand out as vessels of profound teachings, each wielding its own characteristic style and purpose. The Essence of Fable: Fables, those age-old tales often graced by talking animals […]