Term Length: 5 Individual Coaching Sessions (Booked by you, on Dates You Schedule)
By providing you contact information below you hereby commit to the following:
a. Your word is your BOND.
b. You will show up at each of the virtual coaching sessions of the scheduled live training.
c. You will complete the homework as assigned and post your completed work, as
d. You will show up, each and every time, ready to PLAY FULL OUT!
e. At the completion of the program, you will provide a written or video testimonial of
your experience in the Unleash Your Full Potential Masterclass program.
f. You will provide two referral contacts who would gain massive value out of attending the next
Unleash Your Full Potential Masterclass program. (Dates Forthcoming)
g. You will have FUN!
When you agree to the above terms. You are also agreeing to be part of my automated email processes to keep in touch with you!
I will not spam you, you are just agreeing to receive notices regarding this PROGRAM – Unleash Your True Potential only.