On the distant planet of Solis, a once-violent and corrupt world has transformed into a peaceful society under the leadership of a powerful matriarchy. After enduring three devastating world wars, the women of Solis rose from the ashes to save their planet, bringing about a new era of harmony that has lasted for over 3,000 years. Guided by ethical living, Solis has flourished, free from violence and chaos.

In this matriarchal society, men have become little more than workers and breeders, with their lives controlled by the High Council. From the age of 8, boys are registered and monitored, their destinies preordained to serve the ruling class of women. The elite choose only the finest men to father their children, ensuring their lineage continues with strong, healthy daughters, while others must gamble on a chance to bear a child.

But beneath the surface of this seemingly perfect world, a rebellion is brewing. Unbeknownst to Ethan, an unassuming man who dreams only of tending the finest garden in Solis, he is destined to become the spark that ignites a revolution. As he navigates the rigid rules of a society that views him as little more than a tool, Ethan will discover that his humble desires may hold the key to changing the future of Solis forever.

This gripping, thought-provoking tale of power, control, and the fight for equality will captivate readers who are drawn to stories of personal resilience, societal transformation, and the search for a better world. For the women of Solis, their time of peace is about to be challenged by an unexpected hero.

So Why A Pen Name?

The pen name **Nathaniel Thoes** not only allows Neil Thrussell to explore new creative challenges in genres like contemporary fiction, thrillers, spy stories, and romance, but it also serves another important purpose: it helps him preserve the sanctity of the name **L. Neil Thrussell** for his work in spiritual and metaphysical genres. By separating his adventurous, genre-bending writing under Nathaniel Thoes, Neil ensures that his readers can continue to connect his original name with his heart-centered, spiritually uplifting teachings and books.

In this way, Nathaniel Thoes becomes an exciting creative outlet, while Neil Thrussell remains closely tied to the wisdom and principles of the Shin Dao.

As for the name itself, **Nathaniel** means “Gift of God” in Hebrew, symbolizing the blessing of inspiration and creativity, while **Theos** is Greek for “God,” representing divine power and connection. Together, the name reflects Neil’s belief in the flow of creative energy as a divine gift.