A Quest

Hey there! Have you ever been on a quest? I’m not talking about slaying dragons or embarking on epic adventures (although that would be pretty cool), but rather a personal quest of self-discovery. If you haven’t, let me tell you about 10 great benefits and reasons why you should consider going on one. And the […]

The Importance of a Personal Mission: Living a Full Life without Regrets


In the journey of life, we often find ourselves questioning our purpose and seeking meaning. We strive for success, chase after happiness, and yearn for fulfillment. But what if there was a key element that could guide us towards a life lived to the fullest, ensuring that we have no regrets upon our deathbed? Enter […]

The Power of Men’s Circles: Uncovering Purpose and Personal Development

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of men’s circles and personal development work for individuals seeking to understand themselves on a deeper level and discover their mission in life. Men’s circles provide a supportive and non-judgmental space for men to engage in self-reflection, explore their emotions, and embark on […]

The Rebel, Adventurer, and Explorer Archetypes:

An archetype is a fundamental and universal pattern or symbol that represents a specific concept, idea, or personality trait. Archetypes have been part of human culture and storytelling for centuries, originating from the collective unconscious as proposed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Archetypes matter because they provide a framework for understanding and connecting with deep-seated […]

Unlock Your Full Potential: The Difference Between a Life Coach and a Mindset Coach

Are you ready to take control of your life and unleash your true potential? Discover the powerful difference between a life coach and a mindset coach. While both professionals are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, they possess distinct areas of expertise that can transform your life in unique ways. Here are five detailed […]

Neil the Philosopher

I discovered that when I developed my own personal philosophy it was truly a transformative experience for me. It helped me find clarity and a deeper meaning to MY life. By taking the time to write our and clarify my personal philosophy this has allowed me make better decisions, and achieve some of the most […]

Take a Spontaneous Adventure Out of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. In these moments, we have the opportunity to learn the most about ourselves and the world around us. But only if you take the opportunity. One of the best ways to do this is by heading out on an […]

Next Step in the Book Birthing Process

I’ve never given birth to anything other than books. So I really don’t know if I qualify as an expert on the birthing process. But what I do know. Depending on the book, writing a book can be a painful experience, or it can be sheer bliss. A Wakening of the Heart: Shavon Sun Cloud […]