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Hello reader,

I hope this email finds you well. I have been retired for 144 days now and I am FINALLY feeling like I am retired.

I have been exceptionally busy. My Dad's health gave us a scare a couple of weeks back, I thought he was going to leave us. But the resilient old guy pulled through another heart issue scare.

I have completed the first draft of one book, "Alchemy of the Heart: Shavon Sun Cloud" and I am working on the fourth book of my Warrior's Heart series, "A Warrior's Heart: The Promise".

If all goes well, Alchemy of the Heart should be out this fall and A Warrior's Heart should be out around Christmas time.

I don't miss the commute to the office. But I do miss you!

The warm weather makes it ideal to be out on the back deck writing.

L. Neil Thrussell
Author. Athlete, Dreamer, Visionary, Philosopher

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