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Welcome to this week's post.
Every Monday, I will send you the most interesting story of the week in full from my blog. Well, I hope it is interesting at least. If I have NOT written anything in a given week. Nothing will be sent out. so I won't be filling up your inbox.

All in my head!

All in my head!
This past weekend, was a clean up things so that I could free my mind to write deal. Historically, I have a hard time writing when I have any kind of list of things to do. The todo list seems to be an oppressive weight on my writing ability. So I spent, friday night and Saturday morning clearing up my todo list so that I was enegertically free to write.

It worked, I wrote and wrote and wrote. The real issue was that I wrote from my head and not my heart. When I sat back and reread all that I wrote Sunday after noon. I couldn't belive the "CRAP" I had written. Yes, it moved my story along. But it don't take my heart with it! So I did something I have never done before. I simply deleted all the work I did since Saturday noon. Sewlected the text in my word document and deleted it!

I kept no evidence of what I wrote, no copy, no print out. Nothing!!! It felt rather liberating to do this.

The cool part was as soon as I deleted what I had written. The real story began to flow into me.. I gained clarity on what I truly knew that needed to be written!

So not all was lost! :)

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