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Welcome to this week's post.
Every Monday, I will send you the most interesting stories of the week from my blog. Well, I hope it is interesting at least. If I have NOT written anything in a given week, nothing will be sent out, so I won't be filling up your inbox.

I'm So Excited

Author: Neil Thrussell

In my mind I can vividly hear the pointer sisters singing, "I am so excited, I just can't hide it!"

So what's got me sooooo darn, excited you ask?

I am hosting a summit on Success, called Chasing Success. I am interviewing 50 coaches, speakers, and trainers, as well as people from all walks of life and I, am at 38 already. To me! That's freakin' awesome!

I have guests from 3 of the 7 contents. (Looking to expand the number of continents.) Currently, they are from Australia, Bali, Canada, the United States and the UK as well as central Europe! The guests are professional speakers and trainers as well as a few salt-of-the-earth type persons! Because the purpose of the summit is to get the most well-rounded image (picture) of what "SUCCESS" is to as many people as I can!

A Partial List of JUST Thursdays Speakers!

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