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Welcome to this week's post.
Every Monday, I will send you the most interesting stories of the week from my blog. Well, I hope it is interesting at least. If I have NOT written anything in a given week, nothing will be sent out, so I won't be filling up your inbox.

Time To Focus

Chasing Success Book Cover
Author: Neil Thrussell

Since I announced my retirement from the Alberta Government (My last day in the office will be December 23rd, 2022), I have taken the opportunity to gain additional clarity on what I am going to do on my first day of working solely for L. Neil Thrussell (Tuesday, Jan 3rd, 2023).

I initially thought I was going to finish writing Alchemy of the Heart. But, I thought to myself! Yes, I do, do that occasionally. Think to myself, that is! Since I want to help people write books, it would be in my best interest to complete and launch my non-fiction book, Chasing Success. So... That's exactly what I am going to do! Ya me!!

While I was digging around my manuscript I realized that I needed input, other than my own on what success looked like. So, my overactive imagination took over and I decided I would interview a whole bunch of people on what their thoughts were on success! I opened up 52 spots to be exact! Go big or go home, jumped into my head. When I set that goal.

I am doing 20-minute interviews with people from all walks of life! If this appeals to you and you would like to be part of my informal summit on success. Jump on over and fill out the application form.

Register to speak!

So far I am interviewing "GUESTS" from Australia, the UK, Canada and Europe! It will be awesome!

If you want the latest updates and changes join the FaceBook Group CHASING SUCCESS - The Trouble With Being Normal @bookchasingsuccess
If speaking/sharing is not your idea of fun. But you know of someone that would be perfect. Please share the above link with them!

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