Using delightful humour, Neil Thrussell offers guidance and a process for the ‘Workshop Widow’ to ‘Survive’ the days after a life partner attends a life-changing workshop.
Such as a Passion to Profits Boot Camp, or Date With Destiny.
Workshop Widows is an entertaining read with practical advice.
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You, the “Workshop Widow” are comfortably sitting in your favourite chair. You have your beverage of choice in hand. The TV remote is in its proper location with a snack off to the side. The movie you are watching is in the last 10 minutes. You are putting the whole convoluted movie plot together when you hear the garage door open. You smile to yourself. “Perfect timing!” By the time the movie is over your workshop groupie will have brought their stuff in from the car and you’ll be ready to hear all about the workshop. Then you can get back to the movies because you rented two of them. One movie for yourself and one for the both of you to watch together. You hear the car door close.
Then the back door smashes wide open. Things seem to explode throughout the house. The dog starts barking. Your partner starts screaming, “Honey, Honey, where are you?” frantically running from room to room trying to find you...