L Neil Thrussell Logo Cropped
Hello, reader,
Thank you for fully participating in the "Life On Fire 4-week Online Masterclass Program."

I would like to know what you would like me to do with the $100.00 commitment fee you placed prior to the beginning of the Masterclass?

  1. Fully refund your money via e-transfer (I will need the email address you use for e-transfers)
  2. Transfer your funds to two full months of participation in the On Track Monthly Success System- An Introduction session to On Track Monthly Success System runs March 31st, With the first class of On Track commencing April 6th. 20121. Repeating the first Tuesday of every month.
  3. Allow Neil to keep your commitment fee as a payment for a job well done as you got more than $100.00 worth of value!! (Yes, I am being brazen in my request)
In Light and Love,

L. Neil Thrussell
email neil@neilthrussell.com
phone 403 285-5266
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