Welcome to this week's post.
Every Monday, I will send you the most interesting stories of the week from my blog. Well, I hope it is interesting at least. If I have NOT written anything in a given week, nothing will be sent out, so I won't be filling up your inbox.
I have been S...L..O..W...L...Y.... working on taking pieces off of our (Tina and Neil's) Best U Can B and ShinDao websites that I think are more appropriate for this site. I stumbled across this gem. This ebook was written in response to my many experiences of Tina coming home after a life-changing / mind-altering workshop.
If you would like your very own PDF copy of this light-hearted eBook click here!
It was the ones where I was literally the "Workshop Widow" that were an interesting evolutionary experience for us both! I can't say too many bad things as I knew I was married to a passionate woman, who throws herself fully into what ever she is doing. She is an all-in type of woman!
I hope you enjoy the read!
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